This 5th episode of the famous Hansel Show takes humorous shots at Jovi, Gasha, Rigobert Song and politics . New...
Ngwane Hansel
In this extremely hilarious episode, Hansel , the comedian had Ewube as special guest. He grills celebrity rapper Stanley Enow...
Kuzzah TV is proud to announce the second season of The Hansel Show. The comedy show returns for a second...
Intellectual comedian Ngwane Hansel has made an emphatic come-back into the entertainment scene. Known for his thought-provoking satire and comic...
Hansel Media will be organizing a soccer match for development on the 27th of August at the University of Buea...
The award-winning movie "Damaru" keeps exhaling putrid air as the executive producer and writer Ngwane Hansel and director Agbor...
MakHan Productions is pleased to announce the first ever "Kamer Kings of Comedy" show which will feature the best in...
English-speaking entertainer Ngwane Hansel has released his first official music single entitled "Check" . This highly controversial albeit talented entertainer...
Zumhoo Studio Work is proud to announce the soon-to-be released brand new satirical comedy show "The Good, The Bad ,The...