October 28, 2024

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House



Our address


AfroVision Group-Cameroon

Behind Money Gram office, Molyko

P.O Box 545, Buea

Branch office: Entree Moore Paragon , Bonaberi – Douala

Tel: +237 674772277

South West Region, Cameroon

Email : info@nexdimempire.com


10 thoughts on “Contact

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  4. Hi,

    I’d love to write an article for your site.

    The topic I’m thinking of is how to start a business when you’re welcoming a new baby to the family.

    In the article, I’ll mention tools and strategies to help you not only settle into parenthood but also settle into the SBO role.

    Are you interested in seeing the article? If so, let me know.

    By the way – no charge for the article and I’ll feature your site within the content as well.

    Jenna Sherman

  5. Hi!

    It’s easy to see why more stay-at-home moms are starting businesses these days. Being a “mompreneur” can mean more self-fulfillment, more success, and stronger connections with your family.

    So for those who are looking to get started with “mompreneurship,” I’d like to help them out!

    Would you be interested in posting an article from me on how stay-at-home moms can start their own successful businesses? The article will include advice on the best business models for a “mompreneur,” how to get started, and how to work from home with kids while achieving that elusive work/life balance. I’ll make sure to link back to your website as well.

    My offer is totally free! I just want to encourage stay-at-home moms to follow their dreams of entrepreneurship, and let them know that it is possible to juggle parenting and running a business without losing your sanity.

    Please let me know what you think!

    Thank you!

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