Versatile artist Magasco is gearing up to churn out a Bikutsi-Njang fusion dubbed "Nyang Nyang". The former Empire Company front...
Empire Company signee Magasco delivers a solid jam to jive during this festive season . "Sokoto" is his brand new...
The urban music scene has been under turbulence in the past 2 days with abusive and controversial tweets streaming from...
The famed "Bamenda Boy" Magasco has been having a torrent of criticism hurled at him for performing at the Presidential...
Empire Company boss Pit Baccardi has merged creativity with Magasco to hone this sizzling Dancehall-inspired song titled "One by One"...
The speedy rise and rise of urban music in Cameroon from 2010 witnessed the starting up of a plethora of...
As Magasco keeps basking in fame, he's equally been getting a bitter pill from detractors and haters. Recently , a...
On a thumping dancehall beat, Magasco delivers a dope rendition titled "All VIP" as a follow up to "Wule bang...
Empire Company superstar Magasco delivered an enthralling performance during the inaugural match at the Limbe Omnisport stadium that ended South...
"Wule bang bang" crooner Magasco has dropped a new tune of his recently released album . "Belinda" is extracted from...