As the rift between Jovi and Stanley Enow becomes seismic and near explosion, Afrimma winner Wax Dey has jumped into...
The urban music scene has been under turbulence in the past 2 days with abusive and controversial tweets streaming from...
It all started on December 27th when "Coller la petite" hit-maker Franko took to Facebook to derogate the winners of...
The speedy rise and rise of urban music in Cameroon from 2010 witnessed the starting up of a plethora of...
Pascal releases his new single “Makero” featuring Jovi and Reniss. In the new single off his upcoming album, Pascal spits...
New Bell Music prodigy Pascal took the urban music industry by storm following the release of his dope tune "Check...
Tilla's severing of ties with Jovi's New Bell Music sparked tremendous controversy in the urban music sphere. She took to...
Cameroonian rap icon Jovi has released the visuals of his brand new song "Zele" .The video depicts a typical hood...