February 22, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

NEWS:TRACE TV re-establishes the truth on the conditions for video broadcast on their channel


According to a comprehensive communiqué  published on Trace Africa“s official Facebook page, the broadcast of videos on Trace Africa and Trace Urban is F.R.E.E .

Contrary to the rumour that is

rife that artists pay for their videos to be broadcast on TRACE, the management declared that artists are rather paid copyrights when their videos are broadcast on TRACE TV. Here below is an excerpt :

“”Il n”a jamais existe de tarification financière pour la diffusion de clips vidéos sur les chaines du groupe TRACE. Seule la diffusion de spots publicitaire est payante””.


Artists should therefore be on the alert of scammers who collect money claiming to be intermediaries between artists and TRACE TV.