January 25, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

GOSSIP: Magasco gives a surprise with a new manager on CRTV

Magasco EfsiJules Nya

Cameroon”s urban music industry is an eroding landcape. The severance of the ties between Magasco and MUMAK manager Jules Nya is becoming evident. The “”Kumba Market”” hit-maker was spotted on CRTV”s breakfast show “”Hello”” with a new manager called Michael Ananga. Magasco , who just dropped a scintillating club-joint and video might be journeying

on a different lane with Jules Nya. This situation has catalyzed a disgusting explosion of dissappointment in the urban music industry in Cameroon. MUMAK made a great name in 2012 bringing to the limelight fine Cameroonian talents like Jovi, Rennise, Rachel Applewhite, Magasco and Elad Denis. Jules ” managerial expertise, energy and savoir-faire is undisputed.