February 17, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Franky P: King of his own dream

Those who were waiting for  Franky P to make another strong musical statement should listen to this. On the heels of his 2011 smash hit “Champagne up”,the artist has just made avaialble another song entitled “K.O.M.O.D” which means “King Of  My Own Dream”. It’s not sure whether this song is part of an album or  from a mixtape. But two things are clear: it was produced under his label Uzi Nation and it is pretty good. It is an easy,laid- back song with the kind of headthumping beat that hip-hop fans like. Nothing forced or overdone, just a fine and balanced mix. With such good releases one can only concur that he is really king of his own dream as he moves from rapper to label exec  and producer. What’s his next quest? Judge for yourselves.