February 6, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Interview with MIRACLE RUTH EDISON: ”Breast ironing is a very harmful practice”

Miracle Ruth Edison is a gorgeous Cameroonian lady with an amazing aura and sterling attributes.NexDim caught up with her for an up-close and personal interview about the Miss Africa USA pageant and her fight against breast ironing.

Hello Miracle Edison


What inspired you to compete in this pageant?

”I was inspired to compete in the pageant because of the opportunity to promote a platform dedicated to humanitarian needs. Contributing to the society through humanitarian work has been my passion, ever since I volunteered at an orphanage in Cameroon for six years. I recognized that competing in the pageant would be a great opportunity to bring to light a humanitarian agenda that is close to my heart – the Fight against Breast Ironing. The pageant has been very inspirational to me not just because of the opportunity to pursue humanitarian goals but also because of the opportunity to be a positive role model and ambassador for Africa in the United States.”

Why is your agenda  if you happen to be  elected Miss Africa USA?

”My agenda if elected as Miss Africa USA is the Fight against Breast Ironing in Cameroon. Breast ironing is a very harmful practice that most people do not understand, or know what it really is. Breast ironing is the brutal act of pounding and massaging of a pubescent girl’s breast using heated objects, in an attempt to make them stop developing or disappear. It is typically carried out by a girl’s mother in an attempt to protect the girl from sexual harassment and rape, to render a girl “less attractive” in hopes of preventing early pregnancy so that the girl can pursue an education rather than be forced into early marriage or viewed as tarnishing the family’s name.

How pervasive is the problem, and what should be done?

”The problem is widely pervasive across Cameroon. It is mostly practiced in parts of Cameroon, where boys and men may think girls whose breasts have begun to grow are ripe for sex. Currently, there is no legislation in place that prevents this practice.  Therefore, young boys and adults believe that they can continue the practice without any ramifications. The most widely used devices for breast ironing is a wooden pestle normally used for pounding tubers; other tools used include bananas, coconut shells, grinding stones, ladles, spatulas, and hammers heated over coals. And it has always been my passion to raise awareness on this terrifying practice and bring it to and end.”

What do you do in college  and where do you hope to be in 5 years, professionally?

”Fives years from today, I hope to have a achieved my college degree in Pharmacy. As a qualified Pharmacist, my goal is to serve as a liaison between the United States and other African countries by supplying appropriate drugs to help those suffering from Breast and Cervical Cancer, Diabetes, Water Borne Disease, and the HIV Virus.”

Fives years from now, I hope to have published my book titled: The Africa Rhymes – a collection of stories and life experience from the children of the Alice Fominyam Orphanage. I hope to chronicle in the book the experiences of children growing up in an orphanage. There challenges, struggles and ultimate triumphs, going from children nobody wants and children that are forgotten to becoming successful and positive contributors to the society. The orphans at the Alice Fominyam Orphanage have a story, and my goal is to share there profound stories with the world.”

My goal is that fives years from now the traditional practice of breast ironing would have been made illegal and completely eradicated, as a result of the alliance between my organization FABIC (Fight Against Breast Ironing in Cameroon) and other organizations such as the National Network of Association of Aunties, who have come together to fight against this inhumane practice.”

What are your hobbies and social interest?

”My hobbies are teaching young minds about how good God is and cleaning. I enjoy going to church and teaching the youth about the different departments they are able to join. For me going to church is an expression of my faith that has also become a hobby because I do it all the time, I love it, and most of all I believe it. Another hobby that I have is cleaning. I love cleaning because I like to leave in an orderly and tidy environment. I enjoy being in calm space and I believe that leaving in clean home gives a good and positive first impression, which is an attribute that is important to me.”

What are the most significant experiences of your life?

”The most significant experience of life in recent memory is moving to America. I moved to the U.S, to begin my college education. The move also reunited me with my mother and it has given me the opportunity to bond with her and to grow with her. Leaving in the U.S. has been a significant cultural change and experience, I have made many new friends along the way, and grown into an adult. Another significant experience of my life is participating in the Miss Africa USA beauty pageant. Thus far, the experience has made me realize that I have a voice and a story to tell. I have become the driving force behind my platform and I am just amazed by the opportunity for leadership that the pageant has presented tome.”

Thanks for having you on Camer Entertainment House

”Thank you”

Giving Back: Miracle Ruth Edison is the President of the FABIC ( Fight Against Ironing in Cameroon),

Spoke Person of Vital Education and Management Cooperation,

A member of the National Network of the Association of Aunties (Réseau National des Associations de Tantines, RENATA),

A Community Activist at Zion Covenant Ministries Charity Organization,

A Board Member in the Alice Fominyam Orphanage in Bengwe Bamenda, (family orphanage) Cameroon.

She volunteers at the Houston Baptist Hospital,  donates Blood Every Six Months,

African Dance Teacher, and a Youth Mentor at Zion Covenant Ministries.

To vote for Miracle Edison for Miss Africa USA 2010/2011

Please click: http://www.missafricaunitedstates.com/vote-finalist.php?cont=39