February 11, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Two wins and two losses for Cameroon at 2013 African film fest

Thierry_2012_Sur_la_route_00At the end of the 2013 Fespaco film festival in Ouagadogou, Burkina Faso, Cameroon walked away with two awards. In the documentary category , “Calypso Rose” by Pascal Obolo came in second while “Sur la route d”un ange” by Thierry Ntamack got a special prize from the jury. It is worth noting overall that four Cameroonian films were selected and competing for awards. In addition to the two above, we had “Les veuves volontaires” by Alphonse Beni and “Ninah”s Dowry” by Victor Viyuoh in the feature film category. In all, 43 Cameroonian films were shown at the festival although just 4 were competing for awards. 752 films were selected for the Festival. 2 over 2 is not a bad showing although it”s

not the best either. Congrats to the winners and courage to the -…err losers, no

– others.