March 26, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Dr. Sley Soon To Drop ‘Inspired Album’

Doctor Sley, Africa’s Reggae Soul Messenger launches his debut album titled, ‘Inspired ’ with a free live concert and reggae party on Saturday October 12,2013, in Buea.
Come witness the unveiling of Africa’s love and peace messenger.
This album titled “Inspired” presents a unique inspiring and revolutionary message of a new kind of love, belief and hope for Africa.
Are you sick of reggae militis? Come have some dose of reggae music. Buea will be Jamaica come October 12, 2013.

CD front

Dr Sley is a poet and prophet whose every word commands africa’s collective ear. For this reason, he is aware his fame will be perceived a threat to some quarters.
You can’t afford to miss this extraordinary revelation.