Born to a Baptist preacher and a nurse in the heart spirits of the Makeza’s forest of the Littoral Province in Cameroon, reawaken by the Whispers of despair in South Dallas and immersed in the emotions of the spirits of the underground railroad riders of Brooklyn. Her journey sometimes seems like the spirits are guiding her to a path.
Mambo Tse was voted best dancer in an African contemporary video at the International Reggae and World Music Awards in 2004 and has received many acclaims from organizations she has volunteered in.
Mambo is founder of Siren-Protectors of the Rainforest and has taken her group on corporate sponsored tours around the United States. Her choreography has landed most videos on the #1 list in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cote D’Ivoire and Congo; as well as a #1 video on Africahit.com.
-Performed at the welcome Ceremony for the Cameroonian President twice.
-Toured with The Wailers on the East Coast of the United States
-Was invited to the award ceremony of Her Excellency President Ellen Sirleaf Johnson of Liberia for ”The Hunger Project Africa Prize for Leadership” because of the non-profit work she and her group have been doing in sub-Saharan Africa.
-She has also partnered up with the The Tabufor Institute for Human Development to build wells in Cameroon
-She has performed for Hispanico Magazine @ Jacob Riis houses 10th Annual AIDS Awareness with NYCHA.
Apart from dancing, Mambo Tse has featured in some movies like “the Nanny Diary” and “American Gangster”. All these do not keep her from her NYC community. She staged her performance art free of charge to the public at BAM Dance Africa with her group Siren- Protectors of the Rainforest, as well as Target 1st Saturdays at the Brooklyn Museum with Zozo Afrobeat.
As a cultural educator, she goes into the public school systems and presents the positive and healing techniques of African dance and culture. She has taught at several workshops and classes from the North Country Fair in Canada, Texas Tech University, Yale University, Cornell University, Peridance Center to Sunflower Academy.
Pls i would like to reach u on phone.
“Black & Blue in Europe” Film Series
Today’s Europe is a multiracial, multicultural space. It is a melting pot where African and Caribbean Immigrants-whether they arrived in the 19th, 20th or 21st centuries- and their descendants all shared the common ambition for a better life while mainly facing grave difficulties and injustices. The “Black and Blue in Europe” film series, features a selection of films that explore stories of Black people in Europe.
Joins us to (re)discover this diverse selection of films presented in ADIFF over the last few years.
WHEN: April 29 to May 1, 2011
WHERE: Teachers College, Columbia University.
525 West 120th Street – Room 263 Macy
New York, NY
SUNDAY, MAY 1 @ 4:30PM
DANCING FOREVER by Christian Faure (France)
Based on Marie Do’s autobiographical novel, this absorbing movie balances the two dominant factors in its heroine’s destiny: her mixed-race heritage and her passion for dance in a consistently upbeat tone that matches its heroine’s indomitable spirit.
SUNDAY, MAY 1 @ 6:30PM
A tender, revealing documentary about one of the most famous and popular performing artists of the 20th century, followed by a reception with Sugar Hill Beer courtesy of HarlemBrew.
Weekend Pass: $20 Day Pass $15; $6 per show
DVDs and VHS of films from Africa and the African Diaspora will be on sale at the venue. $15 per DVD; $25 for 2 DVD; $35 for three DVD and $10 for each additional DVD.
Take 1 train to 116th St and walk uptown four blocks. Entrance between Broadway & Amsterdam. Picture ID required to enter the building.