April 1, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Karima Prize 2011-Cameroonians outstanding

The 2011 edition of the Francophonie- sponsored Karima Prize saw two Cameroonians win in two categories out of three. In the translation category, Marie-Rose Abomo-Maurin, professor in letters ,walked home with the prize  for her translation from Bulu into French of Ondoua Engutu’s work “Dulu Bon Be Afri’kara”  while Ali Mohammadou was awarded the prize in linguistics for his work on the form and importance of verbs in a variant of peul, a dialect spoken in Mauritania, Senegal and west Mali . The winners were announced after a deliberation that took place in mid-october.The Karima prize,in place since 1989 is intended to promote African as well as


creole languages.  4600 euros and publication of the prize-winning work accrue to the winners. This year’s jury was made up of writer Cheikh Hamidou Kane and Professor Jean Tabi Manga.