February 17, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Ariane Astrid Atodji, Cameroonian film maker brandishes Cameroon high

Ariane Astrid Atodji is a Cameroonian film maker we have not featured here before on your number 1 Entertainment platform. She has been outstanding in the film industry earning her several awards, making Cameroon proud .

Born in Nguelemendouka in 1980 , Ariane grew up in Cameroon and attended film workshops at the Goethe Institute in Yaoundé before studying at the LN International Film School of Yaoundé. At the Cinema du Réel she was able to produce and present Koundi and National Thursday. “There is no funding in Cameroon. I was very fortunate to find funding from the Goethe-Institut Kamerun. The question is what can the documentary bring to the Cameroonian society? “There is not a documentary film culture in Cameroon” says Ariane. “People are more interested in fiction. When making the film I had the non-Cameroonian public in mind, who are familiar with the documentary genre. Not only are there no longer cinema houses in Cameroon, but there is not an audience either, because people are not interested. They say: What is it, this documentary? What are we to make of it? Honestly, the idea of showing this film in theaters in Cameroon never occurred to me.”

Her film titled ‘Koundi et le jeudi national” ,was an honor to Cameroon in December 2010 when it won a special prize from the jury at the Dubai National Festival, in April 2011 at the 33rd Festival International des films documentaries held at the Centre Pompidou in Paris and in March 2011 , it was the  Best long Documentary  at the  AMAA that held in Yengoua , Nigeria. Unfortunately she was unavoidably absent in Nigeria ,and was  represented by another Cameroonian film director ,  Regis Talla . She was equally welcomed to Dortmund for the presentation of this film.

NexDim shall be keen on bringing you updates about her career.