March 14, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

GOSSIP: Clarisse Valeri ”WOPSO” divorces Paul Valeri

The food is now sour !.

There is no doubt about the excessive presence of Paul Valeri in clips and video recordings of the artist Clarisse Valeri commonly known as ”WOPSO”. The two lovebirds who were inseparable for some time, each chose to part ways. Sources reveal that Clarisse who was happily and with great pride bearing the name of Valeri, has not accepted to share her husband with another fellow Cameroonian lady.

Reached by telephone from the city of Paris where she resides, the artist is bitter and does not hide her anger.

“I just passed through a very difficult time, indeed fatal. My husband Paul Valery almost killed me. He is not happy that I made him  a star in my country, only rewarded by going to flirt with a fellow Cameroonian who does not even reach me in the ankle. God is great and thanks that this flirtation did not last.  I could not endure the betrayal, I actually divorced him. I ended our relationship… He did not think about my career, on the contrary, he humiliated me, despite what I did for him by presenting him to some great personalities in Cameroon ” says Wôpso.

According to her, her now ex-husband has dangled the illusion of a fortune in his new conquest, when he is nothing.

“I realized he was jealous of me precisely because I had a lot more money than him. He was unhappy and not at ease to know that I never asked anything from him, I did not need him to  regularly pay for my album promotion, my album recordings and my vacation at home. He has never given me anything financially. I have always proclaimed loudly and in newspapers, through radio and television  that I could afford many things because of what I inherited from my first marriage in Belgium “says  Clarisse Wôpso.

The artist has wasted anytime to  get a new “white” who now shares her bed. “My new boyfriend is Italian and he is called Mucho.He is  a cute, young computer engineer in a big Club here in PARIS. To shock Paul, I did not even wait. For God quickly gave me a ”handsome white “


To show that she has definitively turned the page with Paul Valery, the “Soucouper Wôpso” who speaks of betrayal, lies and deception has changed her name from ”Clarisse Valeri” to  “Clarisse Wôpso.

She is  currently recoding her new album ”La chicote de Dieu”

She changed about 100 outfits in this video.