September 8, 2024

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House



It started as far back as 2006, when I first created a petition on GoPetition website ‘Reparations for the African Holocaust’:
During this time I would create the ideas for the Chiefdom of MamaAfrica and then sometime after turned it into a small informal group gathering of fellow Africans to share ideas and knowledge concerning our beloved Africa then from there it has blossomed into the platform we have today.

MamaAfrica Mission:

To make the African dream a reality through education, activism, traditional lifestyle, and economic empowerment.

MamaAfrica Vision:
We envision a new Golden Age in Africa where unity, prosperity, liberty and peace reign.

MamaAfrica Objectives:
We celebrate our African Culture and honour our Heroic African Ancestors.
We believe in funding the African Dream and preserving our traditional Ways of living.
– We strive for the Unification of Africa and the Unity of all Africans globally.
– We endeavor for Reparations to Repair the damage from the African Holocaust with the possibility of Repatriation to Africa for the African diaspora.
– We foster Racial Reconciliation and World Peace among Humanity.
– We aim for African History to be taught accurately and broadly in all schools worldwide.
– We aspire to bring awareness to many issues we face as African people and to actively mobilize operations on the ground towards implementing real solutions.
with MamaAfrica Cameroon and the countries Tribal Councillor.
-They will stand the chance to represent Cameroon at an international level next Oct 2021 where African ladies from different angle of Africa will be coming together to rush for the crown “Mama Africa” and the question is which country goes home with the crown in October?.
Fortunately, Cameroon was selected to be the first hosting country for the international pageant and another country will be selected to host in the following years.
Winners will have the ability to travel and explore of Countries as we are one! . Mama Africa will also go a long way to identify talents explore and expand them. As other activities will be following soon like ; Mama Africa kids talent hunt, Mama Africa Talent exposure for dance, poets, music etc. The vision is to build a one Africa and rebuild our fallen identity.
Mama Africa has tribal councillors in almost 10 African countries and still expanding with a philanthropic organization .