September 17, 2024

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House


lone-some-cowboy“Born in the Blackstreet era, this mellow voiced producer/singer/songwriter has grown to love Hip-Hop in all it’s facets…” My parents call me Amabuh Fru. It’s hard to tell when I got into music cuz I’ve made it (music) for as long as I can remember. I think it all started when I was about 7 years old and got a little piano, as a gift from my uncle. Ever since playing “Happy Birthday” on that piano, through my years of quiet songwriting up till age 16 when I produced my first full track, it’s been quite a journey… yet it still feels like a breath of fresh air! Funny though that up to date, I’m still a one-hand piano player! I pride myself in being one of the guys who doesn’t completely fit the “producer stereotype…” I say completely cuz I do play the conga quite well…that’s something right? My brief spell as studio owning Partner/Producer with the Hip-Hop band CoreSouth in Cameroon (West Africa) also served to strengthen me while “hype-ing” my knowledge of the industry. We went on to be amongst the TOP 10 NATIONAL FINALISTS in NESCAFE’S AFRICAN REVELATIONS competition, and performed at other varied concerts both as opening acts and solo… Long story! I’ve honed my “mojo” overtime and folks, I present to you AMA out to leave his footprints in the sand!!!

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