Realm Squad & Fluri Boys have joined forces on a solid song titled "C'est la vie" . It gives a...
Realm Squad
After a rugged relationship with former Wax Dey-owned label Calabash Music under the group Realm Squad, prolific rapper and producer...
Realms Squad debuted with "Original Makossa" which gave them a formidable platform . The duo was later signed by Wax...
Lolhiphop duo Realm Squad just unleashed two phenomenal singles " Feel me" and "Warm yp". The fast growing stars had...
Cameroonian duo, Realm Squad are back with a banging street anthem called “Chop No Dey”, featuring Cameroonian pop star and...
Lolhiphop Records has confirmed a 10 million FCFA record deal with Cameroonian pop duo Realm Squad. The group will henceforth...