KO-C has collaborated with Coco Argentee on a thumping and danceable tune titled "Calecon' produced by Phillbill. The song portrays...
Coco Argentee
Coco Argentée has been posting cryptic messages targeted at Lady Ponce. She has attacked Lady Ponce for being responsible of...
The tides are rising with a new trend of bikutsi music taking over the media. As the frenzy surrounding Mani...
Fans of bikutsi and Coco Argentée should gear up for this. Come December 8 this year, "La go des ways"...
Bikusti musician Coco Argentee has released another video. The video is for “Mbanze bikutsi”: the sixth track off her first...
Ladies seem to have cracked the Bikutsi code more than their male counterparts. Going by the number of women bursting...