January 25, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House


Kimbi’s Home Services is a professional home service initiative that helps you with your house chores. We are here as a helping hand that will make the running of your home more beautiful and less exhausting. For the past few months, we have been offering three main services and few just got added which we are excited to share with you.

Our Services

1. Laundry: we have strong and clean hands to do your laundry at your home making sure to leave you wanting to call us another time. Your satisfaction is our biggest target.

2. Home Cleaning: We do thorough cleaning of your house anytime you desire to have it cleaned. We aren’t selective about the parts of the house to be cleaned because we are here to give you a fresh breath of your home.

3. Home Cooking: We have excellent cooks ready to prepare any meal you desire. We can cook more than a single meal a day for you to store for the days ahead. Our cooks are extremely skilled in giving you mouth watering meals and giving your home the luxury of eating those meals you never prepared because of time.

Our New Services

We are thrilled to introduce to you our new services aimed at making life way easier for you.

1. Recruiting and Deployment of House helps: We act as a middle man between those who desire to serve as home helps, baby sitters, cooks, laundry persons both temporarily and permanently and those who need people to offer them these services.
Through us, you will get descent, well mannered and hard working persons for anything you desire to have done in your home.

2. Garbage Carriers: We know it can be extremely exhausting to carry your garbage every time to the Hysacam spot. We also know it will stink and make your environment totally uncomfortable so we are here with people who are ready to pickup your garbage and dispose of it everyday. Just a call, and have it done.

For any of our services, contact 680234371. We are always at your service.