March 13, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

NexDim Star Of The Week: Cameroonian model, JOYCE THELLMA MBASSA

NexDim caught up with this flawless beauty for an up-close and personal interview. What actually swept me off my feet was her eloquence and aura. She was talking in real ”pimped” language. She is called Joyce Thellma Mbassa, Miss Littoral 2010 and more to her credit.

Hello, Joyce.


How are you?

Am doing good.Thank you.

Can you briefly introduce yourself .

Yeah, My names are Mbassa Joyce Thellma Amah.  I’m 23, a student at the university of Buea in my final year studying Sociology and Anthropology with a minor in Management. My hobbies-swimming, dancing and Modelling of course!


Like Jamaicans say ; What part a Cameroon yuh come from?

Well, I have a kind of mixed culture. My dad is from the Littoral region and my mum from North-west region but since it’s custom to take daddy’s side, I’ll say am from the Littoral region of Cameroon… Perfectly Bilingual from Birth!!

Can you describe your journey to become a model?

My journey to become a model…Well,when I was a kid, I used to be very calm and quiet but I loved attention, I always made sure people look at me at significant moments. I always used to cry not all the time like most kids do but just when I was hungry or willing to ease my self or sick…growing up, I was always very careful when I walked through the house to make sure nothing drops or stains my dress… a teenager, I used to be the smallest of the group but the one with the loudest voice…after teen, I am the listening ear, the shoulder to lean on and the helping hand to all my friends. Of course I got my own limitations like being authoritative, a lil shy, quick tempered and others…Back in primary and secondary school, on the 11th February  and 20th May match passes, I was always given either the flag or the school board to hold…I always did playbacks, commonly called “staging” on cultural weeks either alone or as a group of which I was always the lead dancer n singer…academically, I was very competitive and always strove for one of the best positions in class…You realize I was a MODEL at each stage. Now as becoming a model like runway and Billboard adverts, it all began with Miss competitions.

What was your drive , what actually inspired you?

My drive and inspiration, I cant really tell. All I know is, I have always loved watching modeling programs over TV, had many fashion magazines and I always dreamt of becoming like one of those bling girls. But, Eva Longoria Parker inspires me big time! She’s just so ”oofff”  in all she does!

Is this something you want to do for life ?

Yes! Absolutely… I will like to do this for life but alongside pursuing my studies and working in a good biz firm coz you know Modeling is not really encouraged in our Cameroon society. You cant depend solely on it here to make a living unless u travel out and me, i’ll like to live in my country so it may just remain alongside…but life reserves alot of surprises,if i happen to “fallbush”, the story might change.

What have you achieved so far as a model?

Hey… I’m still growing in the modeling world. hmm!  So far, Miss BINAM 2008, 1st runner up Miss Dynasty 2009, A Western Union Advert Bill Board contract for a year in 2009, Miss Littoral Lux 2010, Miss Beach 2010, and some pending contracts like Forever Living Products and Seme Beach Hotel Adverts…But my greatest achievement in all, is the acquisition of self confidence, respect of self and of others, alot of social maturity.

Tell us about Fredash Modeling Agency of which we know you are part.

Yep! Freddash Modeling Agency. It’s a young agency,with a bright future made up of great models both boys and girls! I have the honour to be among the 1st models in this great agency.We carry on our activities in a friendly and respectful environment.The CEO (Mr.Nemfor Alfred) and his team give us the necessary guides and advice on the field, photo-shoot  sessions are organized when necessary to keep us awake! The agency presents its models every month to varrying industries for advert propositions…I’ts good in there! Together,we all stand and we win!

What is your definition of beauty?

My definition  of Beauty…”Its the manifestation of the inner qualities of a person presented in a pleasing and attractive physical body”. Haha. Hope it’s clear!

Models are always known as ”people who give what they have to earn what they desire” . Are you a victim?

Oh! Yeah! Absolutely! “Models give what they have to earn what they desire”…They give a chance to the public to be aware of designers dresses and accessories,they guide people in their choice of shopping,they help promote business and present employment opportunities by advertising companies,they offer entertainment when they are on the runway…They desire to see people happy in the choices they make while they earn their living in a respectful way…So, am I Victim? NO! I am a Model.

That was a witty effort to escape the connotation of my question. Lol.

What do you think about the modeling industry in Cameroon.

It’s so low, the modeling industry in Cameroon. I’m just praying that one day, modeling will take a higher dimension in Cameroon because it pains me when I see foreigners on Billboards advertising Cameroon based Products when we are out here!!! Well,with agencies like Freddash Modeling Agency and others,it is promising!

Tell us about your first audition.Were you nervous?

Oh yeah… I am always nervous in all my auditions you know… It’s a feeling I cant take away but I try as much to hide it, I keep calm, drink some water and I keep on murmuring to myself “Joyce, all will be fine”…and it works!

Like magic I guess. Lol.

I learned you are a student , how do you cope with your modeling career and academics?

The Bible says “There is time for everything” I just try as much to give modeling its time and school its own…When there is a clash, I decide which is more important and urgent at that time and I carry on. One good thing is modeling sessions are nearly always on weekends and holidays! so it’s good for me!

Do you often watch America’s Next Top model? What’s your appraisal?

Oh yeah! America’s Next Top Model…I like it! It’s fun,it’s full of suspense, it reveals the girls’ real characters and their urge to win. It’s interesting and inspiring!!! It defines a model…though sometimes, my favorite is not theirs!

What african dish is your secret passion?

Miam miam…I like food! U are asking me to reveal my secret passion…It wount be secret anymore…Ok, I got 3…Ekwang,Ndole with miondo and water fufu with eru… Please don’t ask me to choose!

You may definitely like  Koki Corn or  Kwankalang. Lol. You surely have all Cameroonian dishes as your best.

What is your favourite genre of music?

I like music… all types but my favorite is particularly Old French Blues…It’s so relaxing.

What is your advice to Cameroonians who are passionate about modeling?

Bros’ and sis’ of Camer…If you are passionate about modeling, it’s good.We have some few agencies around now so get yourself into one and carry on your dream…It’s not easy though,just make sure you work hard and keep your dignity intact.It’s important.

Thanks for your time and Nexdim wishes you the best in your career.

Thank you Nexdim…It was my pleasure.I had a great time.

Do you have any last word to users?

One last word to users ? ” If you fail to check this website in any week, you must have missed some good things for that week…so you know what to do…Stay Blessed.

Joyce Thellma.