March 28, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

NexDim interview with Frank Bebe ”Le Sugar boy”

NexDim met with makossa and zouk love artist, Frank Bebe at Dubai Centre ,Kumba for an up close and personal interview about his career exploits and the release of his new album dubbed ‘’ What’s my name’’. Before delving into this, we spoke with his childhood friend and manager , Ndakwa Marinus who declared that 5000 copies of the album have already been sold and their sole desire is to conquer French speaking Cameroon.

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NexDim: Hey, Nice to meet you

 Frank Bebe: It’s my pleasure.

 NexDim: In few words, can you introduce yourself?

 F B : Frank Bebe is a young Cameroonian makossa sensation. I was born in Kumba , raised in Douala where I attended primary and secondary school in Lycee de Bonaberi. I developed penchant for music at that tender age and  became a professional in 2002 releasing by debut album titled ‘’Mami Dada’’ sponsored by Dr Dewah. After achieving enormous success with this album , am now on the second ‘’What’s my name’’.

 NexDim : What part of Cameroon do you come from?

 FB: I don’t like disclosing my origin. I just like saying I’m  Cameroonian.

 NexDim : What inspires you ?

 FB: My talent is innate. Growing up, I admired Petit Pays and Les Sans Visas.

 NexDim : Tell me about your encounter with Petit Pays.

 FB: I have always admired his style and his company was definitely interesting. I’m close friends with Sans Visa but have never cherished to be a member of the band .

 NexDim : How does the public receive your music ?

 FB: The public loves my music because it’s makossa, a genre of Cameroonian origin. They love seeing me on stage because I always make a difference amidst other artists. I’m a good dancer too.

 NexDim : How does your music stand out with the infiltration of Nigerian music?

 FB: Music is like fashion. There was a time for Bikutsi, a time for Zengue, a time for Ndombolo and now Nigerian Hip Hop but after the reign of all these genres, makossa music has never been out of date, it reigns supreme.

 NexDim : How do you cope with piracy ?

 FB: In Kumba for instance, they avoid pirating Kumba products. I believe my new CD is not yet pirated. Piracy is a plague that destroys hard work and a matter of concern. It’s frustrating to see that artists do not reap the fruits of their labour. The government and stakeholders should join hands together to eradicate this ill.

 NexDim: Why did this album take so long to be released?

 FB: ‘’What’s my name’’ took so long because I was trying to make a difference. I think the outcome is more mature. I tried to correct my mistakes of the past .

 NexDim : You featured Hugo Nyame on this album. How was it working with him.

 FB: It wasn’t easy for me to get him into the studio to record. He made me learn that I have to suffer young artists to get me into the studio for featuring. He has a very busy schedule and whenever I called him; his schedule wouldn’t match with mine. I incurred financial loss, material loss and everything you can imagine to have him ‘’whats my name’’  . Thank God, we realized this. He finally created time, we recorded and finally went for the video shoot. I must say, Hugo Nyame is a very talented artist, he is a big man!. Petit Pays has never featured any artist on his song but he did with Hugo Nyame on ‘’Caiman’’ and always makes reference of him.

 NexDim: Who can you give credits for the realization of this album ‘’what’s my name’’

 FB: Let me say here that, people are always skeptical to invest on such ventures .Thank God I have a friend, Marinus Ndakwa who’s been behind me. The album was produced at Studio La Cadence, Bonassama by Belo Drums; some were produced by ace producers, Hubert Sanjo and Bobby Mignon. I appreciate. Hugo Nyame equally played an ideal role in the album especially on the song ‘’what’s my name’’.

 NexDim: How do you cope with fans? I know you are the ‘’sugar boy’’.

 FB: (laughs) They call me ‘’sugar boy’’ all the time because I’m handsome. This name came into existence when I was once on stage with Petit Pays. They called me the name because they saw the sugar in me. But I don’t take advantage of my appearance to lure my fans into a love drama. That will mean giving my self cheap and losing respect as an artist.

 NexDim: What is your future plan?

 FB: I’ll embark on a robust promotion campaign in Douala and Yaounde. You know if you do not conquer these cities , it’s like you haven’t done anything. My ‘’soiree de dedicace’’ or album release party shall take place in September in these cities.

 NexDim: Let’s get personal. Are you married?

 FB: Not yet married. I however have a girlfriend who’s been threatening to leave me if I don’t quit music.

 NexDim: What’s your advice to upcoming artists?

 FB: ‘’To succeed in any work of life, you need handwork, discipline, and humility. You have to behave foolishly to achieve what you are going for. Above all, perseverance, love what you are doing, you’ll see success coming your way.

 NexDim: What’s your favourite meal?

 FB: Hmmm ! Rice and stew.

 NexDim : Who is your role model ?

 FB: Michael Jackson. He is a creator, talented , innovative , ideal and a positive thinker .

 NexDim : nice having you on

 FB: It’s my pleasure .

Contact: (237) 75109525
