March 4, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

JULZ -Like a drummer + Tell me something (brand new mixtape coming soon)

Julz , Bamenda based Hip Hop overrated artist is back with these smoky club bangers. He is the artist with the greatest street credibility in the city. The first song is ”Like a drummer” and the second is ” Tell me something” . They are extracted from his forth-coming mix-tape. Don’t know about who’s on the hooks. Men! The vocals and the instrumentals are simply professional. Julz is an amazing metaphorical lyricist.

He wants you guys to listen to his songs and give your comments. He will embrace your criticism.

He is currently hooking up the mixtape that will be released sometime soon.

Visit his page to listen to more of his songs and join his fan page.

Like a drummer [audio:]

Tell me something [audio:]