February 11, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Hi,there nexdimemperors and empresses. Just as we promised you last time, here is our interview with upcoming U.S based Cameroonian trio Cyclops. The band is made up of VreezyVille , KayZeey and the only lady in the house Gabby. Read the chat below and get to know them better.

Nexdimempire.com: Tell us a little bit the band?

Cyclops: Actually, we started together in the year 2010 when VreezyVille and KayZeey did an afro-pop collabo on a track titled “She Bad“,so we realised we could be better together as a band. We later added Gabby, the only lady in the band, in the year 2011 after a collabo we had with her on a track titled “Shake It”.

Nexdiempire.com: How did you guys come about the name Cyclops?

Cyclops: Well, Cyclops being the name of the band is due to the fact that the name symbolises greatness in the ancient Greek empire, so we believe we are all great individuals working together as one based on our GOD given talents.

Nexdimempire.com: What makes Cyclops unique as a band?

Cyclops : Cyclops as you know is comprised of three different individuals who have diffferent talents and abilities to move things,us being unique is seen in the fact that we could make music based on every genre you could think of from Afro-pop,hip-hop,RnB, Soul and rock which I believe not every band out there can do.

Nexdimempire.com: Do you guys plan to stay together all along or go solo at some point?

Cyclops: Like you know it’s hard to predict the future so us going solo at some point in life is difficult for me to tell or assume but being together as a band for now is what I’m very sure of as you could see we are already a band. So, let’s just see what the future holds for us.I VreezyVille will tell you I don’t plan going solo because I love my team and I believe they also won’t wish to go solo at anytime soon.

Nexdimempire.com: Making it in America isn’t easy even for Americans,so how do you intend to go about it?

Cyclops: It’s very true that it is not easy making it in America or being successful in whatever you do but if you know the saying which goes “two heads can do a whole lot and are better than one” then you would understand where I’m heading to. In our case, it’s not just two but three heads working together as one so we strongly believe in GOD that he is gonna lead us through cuz we are best at what we do.

Nexdiempire.com: Three people means three different humours,schedules,visions and more. How do you make your group always stay one in everything?

Cyclops: We won’t lie but tell the truth. It’s not always easy for us to stay as one especially when we have to meet up with a recording session due to our different schedules but you know things always work out and we get to achieve our goals at the end of the day cuz we all believe in ourselves and what we do”music”.

Nexdimempire.com: (for the lady only) Isn’t it a little  daunting being the only lady in the band?

Cyclops: Well, we don’t think she is intimidated being the only lady in the band cuz she is much talented like the two gentlemen and always delivers to her best when needed so we know she’s good and even cool with the fact that she is the only lady.

Nexdimempire.com: What do you guys intend to achieve as a band?

Cyclops: As Cyclops our intention is always to bring excellent music to the table of our fans, families and friends and our greatest achievement will be if the same fans,families and friends will accept and appreciate what we give their ears to feed on “Excellent Music”.

Nexdimempire.com: Any last word?

Cyclops: Our last word? It’s going to be an appeal for everyone who supports and enjoys our music, African music in general, to keep promoting,so together we could promote and share our culture to the world and please you all should be on the lookout for Cyclops’ new songs which will be posted on youtube on our channel Cyclops796,so please go subscribe and LIKE our facebook band page if you haven’t done so.Thanks to everyone and stay blessed.