February 11, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

ENOBI PRINCE-MICHAEL – Emerging Cameroonian filmmaker .

ENOBI  PRINCE-MICHAEL, is one of Cameroon’s young multi-talented script-writer ,filmmaker and  artist . He was  born on the 19 of April 1992. Prince hails from the South-West Region of Cameroon and  resident in Buea.  He attended primary school in Nguti and Secondary and high school at Bishop Rogan College and currently a  journalism and Mass Communication student of the University of Buea, and a diploma student in Management/Marketing. He is the only boy and second born in a family of five of Commissioner of Police Enobi Joseph-Ngwese and Mrs. Christansia Enobi.
”I started singing while I was in form one,  when I joined the accapella group of  my college(Bishop Rogan College), then by form four I switched to rap because most of my friends were into it an because I loved it. Then by the time I got to high school i started RnB and now I rep both fields”.
Prince is a young prolific writer, actor and Producer in the Cameroon Film Industry (C.F.I). He is one of the founding members and P.R.O of SPRINGBOARD PRODUCTIONS, one of the best film production houses in the country. He is the C.E.O and one of the founding members of BENCHMARK AFRICA another emerging production house in the South West region.
Prince-Michael ENOBI is an award winner of BEST-ACTOR of a short film, and to his records his film DECEIT emerged BEST SHORT FILM in the Fine Country African Film Festival held recently in Dschang Cameroon. He is the script and screenplay writer of the movie DECEIT. Other scripts in his collection not yet consumed include ‘BANDE DE TREIZE’, STRANGERS, ‘ROYAL RUMBLE’ and the horror movie ‘The Re-Awakening’, just to name a few. He has been an actor in the C.F.I since 2006, with films such as ‘THE COMPANY’ and ‘PREJUDICIAL FAME’ etc accredited to him. He is into music as a singer, music video director and producer. He is host for several events and shows with one being ‘FRIDAY NIGHTS OUT’ coming up soon. A reporter for Chariot FM(93.5), Chariot Newspaper, Divine Mercy Radio and Television Service(DMRTVS), The Herald Magazine of Bishop Rogan College, a resource person for Varsity Vibes Magazine University of Buea.

”I am the author of the paper: Partial view at -Decoding the problems of the Cameroon film Industry. and the founder and initiator of the policy :’Coming from the opposite direction’ n many others”.

He  Loves listening to music, watching films, talking films, browsing, driving,    traveling, making new friends and hanging out with them.