After having broken the silence with his 2011 release “Koh,koh“, Africa star winner Sine seems bent on being musically present henceforth. On the heels of that release which just recently passed the 5,000 views mark on youtube, here he is again with another song entitled “Drink like a rockstar” featuring D.J Chuucss. You will be forgiven for thinking it is the soundtrack for a beer ad. It is a good r’n’b song seasoned with huge doses of rock. The video is decent yet arid. Nothing but two guys getting it on,musically and where the girls at? I thought with rock stars, booze and babes went hand in hand.See for yourselves.
These short videos are called mini vids. It’s a newish concept, adding to the teaser concept to create buzz for the song and later the real video. Artists these days post their audio on youtube with a picture in the background while the music plays, and we at BURN’M Records figure that its just as simple to do a mini vid, the picture concept, in my opinion, gets boring after awhile. And mini vids don’t cost anything but energy.