Salatiel just unleased a cartoon animated video of his song titled "Vamos" featuring Guinea Conakry's superstar Soul Bangs. After featuring...
Urban music
The highly anticipated collaboration between Afro-pop sensation Tzy Panchak and prolific rapper KO C is finally here. "Energy" is a...
Cameroonian Afro-soul artist Edel Koulla has released his new single titled "Esele" . The Douala-based sensation rose to fame with...
South Africa based rapper Snazzy Shikena has proven musical savvy on his new tune dubbed "Trip to Columbia" (Paper) featuring...
After a 2-year development program, Cameroonian songstress Liya is being reintroduced by HL Musik imprint. Liya who is now under...
Coolkid Berka has released his first official project under CPE Music imprint. This dual video release "Alright" and "Demain" signifies...
C'est à travers une chanson aux sonorités Afropop Bensikin que l'artiste exprime son admiration. Envers la femme rurale (La go...
Serious concerns have been rife on social media since the adoption of government's bill No 1076/PJL/AN governing the functioning of...
Tzy Panchak, born Etah Tambe Nyenti was raised in Kumba, South West Cameroon. After primary school, he got enrolled at...
FlyHabit’s musical transition from X-No to X-Klusif to Flyhabit depicts his birth, growth and transformation. ‘EXPRESSION’ Volume 1 , his...