The Cameroonian music family is bereaved. Bikutsi artist Veronick Facktur passed away recently due to ill health. Known as the...
The US-based Camer songster Eddy BEE a.k.a Mr R&B keeps rocking with sweet music from his rich repertoire. ''You lie...
As always, Chillen Muzic have stayed true to their reputation as serial music producers. The Buea - based label have...
If Timaya spoke in tongues in one of his popular hits, he certainly did n't do enough of it ....
"Azonto" fever has gripped everybody, Cameroonians included. So great has been the impact that up and coming Cameroonian hiphop artist...
Cameroon's fore entertainer Petit-Pays aka Rabba Rabbi is set to deserve his Number 1 title all over again. According to...
''Nyango'' hit-maker ADAH has been dropping a couple of singles lately. After ''Belle'' , Adah transcends us into a world...
Finland-based Hip Hop artist TerenceKizz just signaled his presence with a cracking spanking new video of his latest hit ""Not...
The Indomitable Lions yesterday suffered a humiliating 2-0 defeat at Praia facing a low-rated Cape Verde . The Lions displayed...
U.S - based Cameroonian hiphop band Cyclops have stayed true to fashion: one member, Vreezyville, has gone solo. In this...