February 11, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Cameroon Entertainment Awards:2011 nominations being accepted

A new award has joined the ever-growing  Cameroonian entertainment landscape. The Cameroonian Entertainment Awards ,as it is called, “intends to recognise Cameroonians  in entertainment”. Nominations are open for a wide range of nominees from sports,music,film and other media -related sectors like T.V.  According to information reaching us, the award ceremony is supposed to take place on June 30th,2012 in Washington D.C. Persons interested in voting are called upon to do so using the email cameroonentertainmentawards@gmail.com. Nominations will end on February 14,2012 and the top five nominees from each category will be announced and posted on the C.E.A website cameroonentertainmentawards.org which people can visit for the list of categories. The organisers say they plan to broadcast the event on CRTV and other T.V outlets. While applauding this umpteenth attempt at promoting excellence in the entertainment milieu, we pray the part about broadcasting live over the CRTV  is no P.R stunt. For updates,visit their facebook page Cameroon entertainment awards.