March 26, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Do anglophones really have a place in the national hip-hop scene?

Do anglophones really have a place in the national hip-hop scene? From XLM Squad to Nabil 4Real, we actually had some hope. As usual we succeeded to slopping ourselves and our music into obscurity. Yessir, no one cares about Anglophone hiphop music. If you hear an anglophone tune on radio, know it is the product of heavy lobbying and a few bottles…. of Castel.

Ok, lemme ask a question.

Y’all anglophone performers out there, answer me sincerely y’all; what is the difference between your music and Nigerian music?

LOCK YA MOP!!! Difference no dey!!

Lemme throw this to y’all emcees; what’s the difference between your music and American hiphop?

SHUTUP YA MOP!!! Difference no dey!!!

It is a pity that some how we (anglophones) almost always tactfully place ourselves in a minority position.. Always looking for someone to blame or someone to beg from. YESSIR, I SAID IT!

It is funny now that I think of it. Back in school when Krotal, Koppo, Bantu Posi and others were making baby-steps toward the national scene, we used to laugh at them. you know, that kind; “Na who dem to this eh?” We endlessly critisized them for trying to encorporate African elements in their performances.

The guys from XLM Squad on the other hand were our hereos. Cameroonian Stars par-exellence: rode in big ass cars, wore glittering jewellery. But they couldn’t stand the rigorous test of time.We’re they now?

smh chai. only BOUBOUMTCHA!! lmao

But hiphop is changing now. Everybody is trying to be original.  Nigerians have branded their own typa Urban music: Afro-Pop. That’s what P-Square, D-Banj, J-Martins and Dr. Sid do. South Africans have Kwaito. With the likes of Black Coffee and JR doing their thing.

Then our francophone brothers have called theirs: Le RapMboa (or whether na the name that o? *shrugs*). And we can go on and on. Let’s be honest, our (anglophone) R&B either sounds Nigerian or American. No originality. Not to even talk bout our rap music. Guys actually talk bout 45mm guns and coke (cocaine) in their raps. *blank stare*

YOU DON EVER SEE GUN??…..Salaudpard

Last week, while working on my radio show, I was lucky to have a sneak peak of Buea-based rapper, Kay‘s Album. and I was wowed. If I’m not mistaken, it’ll be called PIONNAIRE and it’ll be dropping sometime in 2011. From the production to delivery was straight Cameroonian. I am not easily impressed but this got me nodding. And I was like: this is answering my questions on what the future of anglophone hip-hop has to look like. It’s amazing how in each song you could identify a couple of instruments that remind you of your childood visits to your village And his flow was very easy to relate to. Talking bout things that made laugh. Without them loosing their hiphop instrumental backbone. A hybrid is born.

It is impressive how good anglophone rappers are. You need to step into a studio or some room in Buea and see guys kicking cyphers and you’ll be like: di mendem di really do weti for di pays?

The future is bright people. We just need to more creative and acknowledge our environment. Make music people can relate to. Make music we can relate to. Be original.  Adapt you music to your environment.

Back to your notepads now. Write good music.
