February 24, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House


Andre Marie Talla sponsored the campaign against child trafficking for sexual exploitation, which was held from May 31 to June 6, 2010. This is an initiative of the Circle Internationale pour la promotion de la creation (CIPCRE). The coalition cited above, is intended to inform and educate the public about the extent of the sexual slavery of children in Cameroon. The victims will not be outdone in the activities of this campaign. The event will build on their legal and psycho-social support  .
For Andre Marie Talla, “the future of our continent and our country in particular depends on the health and condition of children.
The education we’ll give them  is a rather important topic. I came to bring my modest contribution to ensure that children are most exploited in this way. “
Pleased with the increased interest in him by the organizers, he added: “The coalition of associations that fight against this problem have my approval and my commitment.”
This is  in connection with the campaign and to mark the celebration of the International Day of African Child  on June 11.