February 14, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

La merveille du Cameroun Art Festival

LA MERVEILLE du Cameroun Art Festival is a top notch! It is one of a kind of all art festivals as it creates a forum where artists around the Buea municipality and Cameroon at large are opportuned to showcase their talents in the world of art . There will be craft work, fine arts, music, drama, dance, poetry and much more offers. So you all are welcomed to come see for yourselves what Cameroon has to offer in the art world. As the very first to ever take place in the city of  Buea, do not miss the chance to be part of this discovery of an out of the box experience for you, your friends and family. Take the rendez- vous;
Venue : Youth Aglow Hall before treasury entrance buea
Date/Time : December 3rd from Noon till Dusk