March 6, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House



This week on Kandid With Kreef we have Camer’s own talk show host and entrepreneur Krystn Enem from The Krystn Enem Show.
StayTuned. Read On…
KREEF: Hello Miss Krystn Enem. Thanks for giving us this opportunity to interview you. How are you? Can I call you Krystn?

KRYSTN: The pleasure is mine. Thank you. And yes you can call me Krystn lol

KREEF: Lol ok and you’re very welcome. So who’s Krystn Enem? Most people think you’re Nigerian. Can you help clarify PLEASE????

KRYSTN: Hahaha I usually say I’m an African child moulded by diverse cultures. I don’t like to fix my existence to a particular country or place because I feel that we’re one as Africans. So yes, I’m both Cameroonian, Nigerian, Kenyan, South African… whichever one, I’ll fit in. I am proudly African.

KREEF: Lol awww ok. And we actually respect that. So your show, The Krystn Enem Show, what is It about? Concept and all.

KRYSTN: So basically, The Krsytn Enem Show was born first out of my desire to be on television, which is a dream I have had from as little as 5 years old. Well, when it was time to launch out, I wanted to do something unique. To cut the long story short, I had the inspiration to have a show that will give young Africans the opportunity to showcase their talents to the world. Now talent including skills, businesses and just anything worth emulating that gears towards betterment of society and improving the concept of youth development.

KREEF: Oh wow. I love it! And how long has The Krystn Enem Show been on air?

KRYSTN: Officially, The Krystn Enem Show launched on air July 1st 2014 on PRTV, then 3 months later was on a second station in Nigeria, TVC. We didn’t utilize a lot of the online platform for season 1 simply because it was starting out period for us. It was very challenging to juggle everything. But with season 2, we are going all out. Now we have learned the ropes. However, we have a few clips on our YouTube page: krystnenemshowtv

KREEF: Oh ok. So no Cameroon TV stations gonna air your show? Yes I went there lol

KRYSTN: Hahahahaha well Kreef, truth is, I wanted to have the show aired in Cameroon first even though it was shot here in Nigeria. I actually approached CRTV, but my contact said “abeg we no get we money for buy the show ya, but if you go put am for free we fit work something out”. Meanwhile, same person was in negotiations with a Nigerian to have him bring his show to Cameroon TV even though it wasn’t going to benefit Cameroon as a people or the industry. Well giving that production is expensive, I could not give the show for free. How would I have shot season 2?

KREEF: Danggggg! Well that’s Cameroon for us my dear. We’re always supporting foreigners but not our own. I really hope the new generation will change that. God dey with 237 lol

KRYSTN: Amen. We are working on that lol

KREEF: So there are rumors that The Krystn Enem Show is gonna be airing soon on Africa Magic. We always hear rumors lol. True??

KRYSTN: Hahahaha who told you guys? Lol… not letting the cat out of the bag, but Season 2 is definitely bigger and better. Something everyone should look forward to.
KREEF: Kreef is always getting “rumors” lol. But awww we can’t wait then. Make us proud!

KRYSTN: The Krystn Enem Show will keep you glued to your TV sets and our YouTube channel. Season 2 is the show. Sure thing. No sleeping on a bicycle lol

KREEF: Haha. Ok I know a Cameroon TV station (CRTV) wasn’t serious about your show, but do you ever plan on interviewing Camer artists and all on The Krystn Enem Show?


KRYSTN: Hahaha well I know how our people work, so that definitely cannot stop me from going to Cameroon. That is home and charity they say begins at home. Reason why I had to try to take the show home first before spreading it. Well, that been said, trust me I cannot wait to have Cameroon showcased to the world. There is an emerging generation of determimed Cameroonian youths who want to change the world, our world. Their voices must be heard and must be seen. If we had our way financially and otherwise, we would have shot part of season 2 there but not to worry, season 3 must have all these amazing Cameroonians on it. The Krystn Enem Show is for all of Africa. All young Africans in any part of the world doing great.

KREEF: Yesss! That’s all I wanted to hear. That the show gonna showcase Cameroon and its talents too lol. It’s our time. The 237 era u know.

KRYSTN: Sure, sure baby. It’s time for Cameroon to shine. Time for the world to hear and know us. I am tired of people asking me, “Wait. Do you guys have any musicians or actors? Apart from football, what else do you guys do?” Now is the time to answer those questions.

KREEF: I get so offended with all those questions but now I just send people to YouTube. Yes I do that lol

KRYSTN: Haha nice one.

KREEF: Oh well, I hear you have a nickname in Nigeria, “The African Oprah” lol. Is Oprah Winfrey one of your inspirations?

KRYSTN: Did you say one of????? OPRAH is The Inspiration! People used to ask me “why do you like being called “Africa’s Oprah”? Then I would say well…. they probably have seen the same drive in me. Everything is possible to those who believe.

KREEF: Exactly… So Cameroon has been making a lotta buzz in Africa and the diaspora on the music scene for a while now. I mean the young urban artists. Who are your favorite Cameroonian artists so far now?

KRYSTN: Hahahaha you gonna put me on the spot like that? Lol that’s a tricky one… Truthfully, I would say I am impressed and so proud of what artists are doing in Cameroon. It’s such a huge step up from 5, 10 years ago. I can’t point out anyone exactly because they are all phenomenal and I’m seriously excited about the future of Cameroon’s entertainment industry. I don’t know if I’m allowed to say, but there’s this new kid on the block whose songs I just listened to recently. I am gushed about the fact that he’s only 15 and he’s that explosive. Cameroon is the next big thing. I listen to everyone from Stanley Enow to Jovi to Gasha to Magasco to Daphne… Just a whole array of talent.

KREEF: I figured the names you mentioned are your favs so far lol. So does Miss Krystn have any other projects apart from the talk show?

KRYSTN: Hahaha Kreef. If I really start to talk about my other projects (both rolling and future) I’m sure I will end up offending some people lol. The dream is very big than me but well let’s try to tell a few. I got 2 other TV shows in the pipeline. One is basically entertainment, it’s a countdown show. It is the fun, gossip, goofy side of me. We will discuss everything from music to movies, fashion and more. The other show is a big secret, it should roll next year. You all have to wait for it lol. Again, I intend to start a forum to teach young people to start young. I believe so much in talent and hard work and I have a few very important experiences I would love to reach young girls. My biggest message to young girls is that it is very possible to make it to the top without sleeping with men for favors. In order to walk tall, you just have to be ready to take it one day at a time, sweat it out but keep focused. Those are a few of my projects.

KREEF: Oh wow!!! Guess what? I was about to ask you if you have any advice to tell young women trying to make it in the industry but… you already answered in your last statement. That was something deep

KRYSTN: Awww yea that’s a core message.

KREEF: Krystn, OMG thank you so much for talking to us. We honestly appreciate that. And you’re such a sweet soul lol. Thank you so much again.

KRYSTN: Awww you are welcome anytime. Keep up the good work and yes I look forward to having Kreef on The Krystn Enem Show.

KREEF: Awww thank you too.

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook @krystnenem. Facebook page – The Krystn Enem Show
To know more about The Krystn Enem Show, click here:

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