February 9, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

THE REBIRTH OF FASHION – AfroShic Fashion Show – Buea: April 9TH 2011

Y’all remember the extra classy and ones in many years fashion show: TIA-MACREN that took place sometime in November 2010 at CNPS hall in Buea, Cameroon?

I know that was too much a show to have left the minds of everyone who was present, imagine a show even greater and bigger than that… Now stop your imagination this is reality ;).

Coming to Buea,Cameroon in April is a ” jamais-vu ”  fashion show big enough to take our breath away,strong just enough to bring fashion moguls from all over Africa, unique enough to bring fashionnisters from all over Cameroon and out to come and experience fashion taken to a whole new and different dimension.

This right here is our swag, Cameroons swag,  if you miss this then I really dont know what fashion show you will ever attend. This is for the public,this one is greater,bigger,mightier AFRO SHIC (the rebirth of fashion – 9th April 2011) Come y”all and leave loaded, speechless and breathless.Come y”all who have got PASSION 4 FASHION

for more info, please check out their facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Afroshic-Clothing/148985051823162