February 7, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

SPORTS : Who replaces AKONO as 'entreneur' in 72 hours ?

Jean-Paul Akono
Jean-Paul Akono

Akono“s affiliation with the indomitable Lions is unraveling. He was appointed as interim to replace Denis Lavagne in September 2012, and has been working without a formal contract since then.

Akono has decided to discontinue his uncertainty by abdicating. According to information gathered from reliable sources, Akono is requesting a staggering monthly payment of 15,000 frs  while the government is wishing to pay only 8 million frs . Following a request by Sports minister Adoum Garoua, FECAFOOT has officially declared that prospective coaches are free to file-in their candidatures .

Candidates must satisfy the following conditions;

  • Have a diploma in coaching ;
  • Have a good international experience ;
  • Be able to resident in Cameroon during his tenure of office/contract.
  • Have a good capacity and aptitude to work with a team ;
  • Have a good mastery of french and english languages.

Candidates are required to submit the following supporting documents;

  • A curriculum vitae;
  • A letter of motivation ;
  • A project/work plan covering 2013-2015.

These documents should be deposited at the FECAFOOT secretariat or send the documents by email via : coach@fecafoot.cm 

Deadline: 25 April 2013 at 3pm

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