February 14, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Profile: Gee Reign, Lagos – based Cameroon artist

The army of Cameroonian urban musicians grows  by the day. The latest to swell the ranks is Gee Reign. He is a Cameroonian producer, songwriter and rapper based in Lagos, Nigeria. Born in 1989, the artist went  stardom hunting in Naija in 2009 after completing high school at G.B.H.S Bamenda that same year. Intent on building a solid fan base before any major release, the artist has over the years worked tirelessly with some major figures  in both Cameroon and Nigeria. Some of his collaborators have been Gee Ga ( a Lagos-based Cameroonianan producer), Magasco, Denzyl, May D, Ghetoo P, Eyo (of Project Fame season 3) just to name a few. He is currently working on his forth-coming pre-album titled “ Through my eyes” which will be released by December. This far, he has released three singles namely;”Follow it” , “Strange but Familiar” and “Things you do”  which have all gotten remarkable response from fans online. The artists plans to release his album in Cameroon. All those hungry for fresh new talent should listen to some of his tracks right here on nexdimempire.com