February 11, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Movie,Fashion,University Nominees in Cameroon Entertainment Award

As we promised to bring you the rest of the nominees in the Cameroon   Entertainment Award under films, fashion – best designers and models, here it is.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         It gives regard to our Cameroonian universities with much respects meted out to our legends and some outstanding Cameroonians over a decade and in some entire lifetime.

All you have do is just check out the list below.

Best actress in a leading role

*      Taka Tanni – Infamous Deception

*      Solange Yijika – Royal Destiny

*      Quinta Eyong Ashu – Clash of Inheritance

*      Ruth Nkweti – Obsession

*      Nina Ngassa – Vanity Fair

Host of the year

*      Sophy Aiida

*      Pridone Show

*      Qwen Fongo

*      Albert Njie  Mbonde

*      Jason Black ( canal matin)

*      Ivo Potem ( Bonjour CRTV)

*      Stephen Munabo

Best supporting actress

*      Trina takoh – Registered Nurse

*      Ciara galega – Single Six

*      Sophy Aiida – Unwanted Guest

*      Okawa  Shaznay – This is Houston

*       Carine Eyoum – Unwanted Guest

Best actor in a leading role

*       Nchifor Valery – Obsession

*       Claudio Oben – American Dream

*        Kang Quintus – The Strength of  Cha Cha

*        Bertini Heumegni – American Dream

Best movie picture

*      Royal Destiny

*      Land of shadows

*      Vanity fair

*      Obsession

*      American Dream

Best director producer

*      Penjo Pete

*      Neba Lawrence

*      Abraham Takoh

*      Erick Ntang

*      Agbor Gilbert Ebot

Best music video director

*       Chil Nkwain

*       February 16th

*       3K

*       Blue Drops

*       Musing Derick

Best script

*      Vanity Fair – Ngassa Nina

*      Critical Point – Kang quintus

*      Not my Will – Wegmuller Efokoa

*      Registered Nurse – Abraham Takoh

*      The Blues kingdom

Pan African actor

*    John Dumelo

*    Majid Michel

*    Pascal Atuma

*    Stella Damasus

*    JJ Bunny

*   Jim Iyke

People’s Choice award

*    Penjo Pete

*    Taka Tanni

*    Sophy Aiida

*    Lady Ponce

*    X Maleya

*    DJ Chick

*    Yves Tchouta

Best fashion designer

*        Kirette Couture

*        Euphrasie Fash

*        Cote Minou

*        Afroshic Designs

*        Syl Anim

*        4j Couture

*         Bengj of Couture

Male model of the year

*       David Nso

*       Edward Asu Nea

*       Marshall kudi (Bebe Zara Benet)

*       Bertini Heumegni

*       Imane Ayissi

Female model of the year

*     Naoumie Ekiko

*     Marion Gako

*    Joyce Mandi

*     Andy Allo

*     Ghyslaine Tchouga

Universsity choir

*      University of Buea

*      University of Ngaoundere

*      University of  Dschang

*      University of Yaounde

*      University of  Douala

Legend Award

*      Kotto Bass

*      Bebe Manga

*      Eboa Lotin

*      Francis Bebe

Grand Award (with honorees in a decades and lifetime)

Most outstanding Cameroonian of the decade

*       Samuel Eto’o Fils

Most outstanding group of the decade

*      Les Nubians

Most outstanding artist of the decade

*      Richard Bona

Lifetime achievement award


*       Dr. Mathias Fobi


*       Roger Milla


*      Manu Dibango