March 12, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

INTERVIEW:NexDim meets Gospel singer , Evangelist Stella Epey.

Evangelist Stella EpeyEVANGELIST Stella Epey is a Cameroonian Gospel Artist . She is currently shooting her videos and preparing to release her soul-searching gospel album. NexDim caught up with her at  M1 Studios for an interview.

Hello Evangelist Stella, nice to have you here

The pleasure is mine.

Briefly introduce yourself to us.

I’m Evangelist Stella Epey. Born in Malende, Muyuka of Ma Joana Nchong and Pa Tobias Agbor. I’m married to Pastor Epey and blessed with two kids , Shallom and Andreas-Micah. I’ll like to add this as a testimony that I was married for 7 years without conceiving a child. and people taught I was barren. My husband stood by me through this ordeal.  He always told me ”When I came to marry you, I didn’t see children but I saw love”. By God’s power and grace, I was later blessed with two kids. I want to tell the world that, the God who did it for me can do it for thousands.

That was amazing. The God that answers by fire can change situations  when you look up to Him.

Can you tell us about your educational background.

I attended primary school at CBC, Centenary, Limbe.Graduated in 1984/85. Did 4 years of secondary at PYC, Limbe and later CETIC,Buea. I traveled to the US where I continued with studies and graduated with a certificate in Nursing and a Higher Diploma in Midwifery.

Tell us about your journey to become a gospel singer.

I can say, I’m a born and talented artist. I didn’t study music, it’s a God-given talent. I started as a kid,my mum tells me she always saw me singing. Sometimes I sing and forget doing my house chores. I had a strong passion for music. In primary school, I won a trophy for my school in 1980 and I knew I had God’s calling to do it.

How do you get inspired to sing

I have never copied because God inspires me enormously and enriches me with the voice to sing for His glory. I sleep and sometimes find myself in a big crusade singing a new song. I get inspired when I’m in the spirit driving, when worshiping , in fact anywhere,anyhow,anytime.

How did you find yourself in a  recording studio?

I was ambitious in seeing my dreams fulfilled as a gospel singer. One day, I sang at a funeral ceremony. I was just merely singing and someone opted to sponsor my debut album.That was how I found myself at M1 Studios.

Tell a us little about your debut album.We did n’t hear  much about it.What happened?

My debut album was released on June,23rd 2006 and was produced at M1 Studios.The album was not well marketed and also did not get a lot of media attention because I had the opportunity of travelling out of the country for ministry. The songs were however pirated here in Cameroon.

What message do you cut across in the album?

My theme is basically about destiny.You’ll be what says You’ll be, serve the Lord without getting weary, stay steadfast to Him. God lifts you up when you are at the verge of giving up. In ‘ Story of my life’ I sing about the grace of God in my life. I moved from grass to grace, from nothing to something. Another song says you shall not die a poor man. Even people look down on you, God says you won’t be.

How do you expect people to react to your album when it is released?

They should be blessed from the message and stay close to God.

Tell us about your ministry.

Me, being an evangelist is God’s calling. I have a passion for souls to come to the Lord. I have the mission of deliverance, restoration of souls and encouraging women in this new era. My husband really helps me in this direction. He is a senior Pastor in Full Gospel Mission and we have been in ministry for 17 years. He is the vision bearer and I’m his vice.I am a woman with a dream for God and I would like to be partners with people who have a common dream.

There are a lot of churches sprouting. Do you intend to start yours?

I won’t answer that question. [she laughs]

What are your last words to the entire world?

Never give up until you die. Don’t say it is finish. If you are in a desperate and deserted situation, one day, God can turn things around. To my fans, I love and cherish them .They make me what I am.

Thanks for your time.

I’m delighted coming in contact with you.