March 12, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Fix IT Show: Mere glam or call to excellence?

Now that the girls have returned home, the effects of the bozz have ebbed away and the frenzy has died down, let’s talk a little. This is no attempt at casting aspersions on such a laudable initiative. I salute the clairvoyant and visionary spirit of the organisers. They had a brilliant idea. I am talking to everybody even you. Was the Fix IT Show just an opportunity for you to  trophy-likely flaunt your latest pair of shoes, cloths or companion? One thing I think this get together achieved was reminding us about the power of numbers: the things we can achieve when we are  together. Another important thing  should be networking. If you’re an “industry” player and you didn’t make contacts during that evening then you went there for the wrong reasons. You are surely going to call me a party spoiler or “jaloux” . If that is the case, just try to think about the issues I point to when you’re done calling me names. To my humble mine, the Fix IT Show was above all a call to excellence. It was a subtle way of telling all those in the industry that we should constantly strive to make our music,films and etc. to be as splendid as we were on that day. It was a foretaste of what happens when an entertainment industry is organised and produces quality. It was a veiled appeal to all stakeholders in our burgeoning entertainment industry to sit up and strive to be the best so that they can be celebrated by their peers during ceremonies like these. It would be sad for such a brilliant idea to have been the premise for the consistent celebration of the pervasive  mediocrity that reigns. Those who had ears surely heard Mumak Record’s C.E.O. I have nothing against glam. I just think it is a crown that  should not be on the head of mediocrity and egocentrism. Feel free to feel otherwise.