February 25, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House


Farming is accorded value and respect in some parts of the world but in a country like Cameroon, where farming is primarily for subsistence; predominantly relying on hoe, cutlass and the prayers and fasting for rain , farming is synonymous with poverty.

Ambe Standley Chenwi is changing the narrative.
He is a first-rate Agronomist ,  seasoned Agro-Pastoral entrepreneur and trainer .
He studied Crop Production at The National Polytechnic University of Bamenda.
Ambe Standley has distinguished himself , taking farming to mainstream and making it look fashionable; “the new sexy” .
He’s had a wide range of experience in farming ; working at Bamenda University of Science and Technology ,  ECO Farm in Bangui , Central African Republic , Ozel Farm Belt Ezra Green house , Israel , Sustainable Runs For Development (SURUDEV) and a stint with other reputable Agricultural establishments.

Ambe is a sage in the field . His outstanding know-how has enabled him clinch the following awards ;

– National Excellence Award for Agriculture project in Cameroon Youth Class (2019) ,
– Best Young Social Entrepreneur of the CAMACA Award (2019) ,
– 2019 YALI National Symposium Business and Entrepreneur Pitch Contest Winner by the American Embassy Cameroon.
– DigitCitSDG Award organised by Ministry of Post and Telecommunication (2019)
– Governor’s Youth Award of Excellence
The Governors Office North West Region (2020)
– Africpreneur Award 2020
– Youth Excellence Award 2021 by the Governor’s Office, North West Region.

Ambe Standley is among the growing number of young, University-educated Africans fighting the stigma of “farming” by seeking to professionalize it and project the impression that it’s a noble profession.

By NexDim
