March 9, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

CUMA Magazine – Exclusive Interview with Cuma President (Oneke John)

Nexdim: Hello Mr. Oneke John

 OJ: Hello Miss Nexdim

Nexdim: Nexdim learnt you are the president of CUMA, what is CUMA all about?

OJ: CUMA is the acronym of  Cameroonian Urban Music Association, which is the voice of Cameroon’s urban music industry. It is a member-driven, not-for-profit making organization dedicated to building the domestic and international profile of Cameroonian urban musicians*. CUMA
offers professional development workshops, networking events, showcases its members and stakeholders. By utilizing its relationships with industry and government decision makers, CUMA is also a strong and active advocate for positive, progressive and beneficial policies; policy reform and directives for Cameroon’s urban music industry.

Nexdim: Prior to CUMA magazine,what other CUMA outlets existed?

OJ: Well prior to the CUMA AWARDS MAGAZINE we had very few relative outlets, that’s the reason why we started by organizing standard events in a bid to have
quality content in this first edition. We have realized a series of VERY successful events attended by the ‘who is who’ in the Cameroonian society, which
includes the CUMA Launching Ceremony, CUMA Awards 2011 and the CUMA Awards Winners Cocktail Party.

Nexdim: After the progress registered in craving the CUMA awards, you’ve come in with CUMA magazine,tell us something about it.

OJ: The Cuma Awards Magazine is out to recount what went down at the first edition of  CUMA AWARDS 2011, these include articles and pictures of  the glitz, glamor and  highlights. It will equally be a platform for the organizing team to give a rundown on the 2012 plan of action. The Cameroon Urban Music Association is a young organization with lots of very ambitious projects. The first edition of the magazine is almost ready, we shall feed nexdim with updates in that regard.

Nexdim: That’d be so sweet cos we are always ready, so we’ll be waiting. Well Galaxy as you are fondly called, how far do you see yourself in CUMA?

OJ: The issue here is not about the way I see my self in CUMA. To me what is most important is the direction a collective CUMA vision should be directed. Like I said the Cameroon music industry is still in its infant stage, we thank God for keeping some of us very steadfast in this profession, our dreams are gradually coming to reality. We hope corporate Cameroon will see the need to invest in the music industry, which is a massive money spinner in neighboring countries. I personally believe in a fewness of words and abundance of deeds. When I told my fellow CUMA members that our short term dreams were realizable most of them openly doubted, I think from what we have been able to achieve in so short a time, they will now have every reason to believe more and more in my servant ship as the president of this illustrious organization. Our budget for CUMA AWARDS 2012 is getting close to 25 million frs to be raised in less than 9 months. This is a sign that we are ready to go extra miles in raising the bar as high as we can. All I keep asking is that Cameroonian urban artists should take their arts seriously and exert every effort in the strive for excellence.

Nexdim: Do you have any message for Cameroonian youths?

OJ: Finally I want Cameroon youths to understand that we are not Cameroon’s problem, we are the solution. We are not liabilities, we are assets.
We are not being excited, we are passionate, we don’t need promises, we want to take responsibility and we are not waiting for opportunities, we are creating them.

Nexdim: Alright thanks for taking some time off the busy schedule to talk to nexdim CUMA man.

OJ: All thanks to you Nexdimempire for the wonderful job you doing.