February 27, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Movie: Updates on Obsession

Hey Nex Dimers! Am sure you all remember the psychological thriller presented some months back, OBSESSION, a father – son relationship story of 67minutes which in a nut shell portrays women as slaves to men upon conception of a character in the movie.
Well after the April official sponsor premiere by the German Akademic Schloss Solitude, the movie has registered so much progress as it has already been submitted into 15 International Film Festivals. Luckily enough fans, out of these 15 festivals 3 have been selected already and 10 waited in the pipe line.

The movie which was the only Anglophone Cameroon film present was nominated first in the ECRANS NOIR FILM FESTIVAL for Ecrans D’Afrique Central, Prix Charles Mensa and for Ecrans D’Or still in the Ecrans Noir Film Festival. Obsession registered some successes as it was again short listed for the DURBAN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL and was also selected at the ZULU AFRICAN ACADEMY AWARDS (ZAFAA) into three different categories – Best upcoming male (Nchifor Valery); Best upcoming female (Ruth Nkweti) and Best sound editing (Binams) being the only Cameroonian movie in ZAFAA this year. (www.zafaa.com)

Good nus for all at home is Obsession will be released in Cameroon come 2012 reasons being that results of the afore mentioned film festivals are still to be known.

Speaking to the dire hard aspired producer Achille Brice who is right here at home right now and has been very mobile since 2008 from the Berlinale Talent campus, Germany (2008/2009) to the Durban Talent Campus alongside the Durban International Film Festival, to Nigeria (2010) for some movie projects (Brand New and Last Trigger) as Editor and back to Germany (2010) when Obsession finally became a reality.

All these ins and outs on a search for some artistic talents, the young talented and inspired director/producer declares his hopes “for more positive gigs.”

Obsessed fans of Obsession can visit the website www.binamstudio.com for more info