March 12, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

4 days to West Don’s “Ajebota” video album launch

Acné No Más(tm – The Original Acne No More (tm Ebook In Spanish!dth=”150″ height=”150″ />West Don decidedly wants to end the year on a high note. Right after the recent release of the official video to his “Ajebota” smash hit, here he comes again. On October 27 this year, the artist will be organising the “Ajebota” video album launch. This event will take place in Kumba at the Sawa Lambo complex. Models, stars and a distinguished sprinkling of other celebrities will be attending. It has been dubbed the Launching of the Year and if want to know more about the event just call the following numbers ; 7436 2109, 92153921.