February 23, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House




JPS a.k.a Just Plain Sick is a London based African Hip Hop trio consisting Henry “Cally P” Edet, Victor “Jay-Vic” Johnson and Valentine “Baby Africa” Ashu.Valentine ”Baby Africa” lived in Kumba,Cameroon for 13 years before immigrating to UK in 1999.In 2004 while studying for their ‘A’ Levels at Newham College,they were is inspired to carve a niche for themselves in the music industry.
Blending various musical flavors of their African origin, the group set about creating a hip hop sound ideal and distinctive from many of their peers at the time. In just over six months, the group had gained popularity locally and went on to perform in cities such as Sheffield, Hull, Bournemouth and also getting the opportunity to showcase their music in Italy and Germany.

Their marketing and promotional skills saw them achieve a slot on a Ben T.V show in 2005 dedicated to emerging urban talents in the U.K. Despite the widespread acclamation and promising future, the boys took a break from making music together as academic challenges became a priority.

babyafricaKick starting their resurgence in December 2008 was a Jay-Vic appearance on the widely popular M.T.V Hugo boss urban competition followed by an appearance at the Miss Cameroon UK 2008 competition supporting established Cameroonian artists. Currently promoting singles ‘E Dey’ ‘Bad Girl’ and ‘Crazy’ the trio have already gained radio play and supported popular Nigerian artists such as Olu Maintain.

Work on the forthcoming debut album “JPS: Home and Away” has already began and is set for a summer release. Blending the vast musical styles that have influenced the group from Hip hop, soul, R n B, Makosa, High Life and Dancehall, Salsa and many others. The album threatens to establish JPS as African hip hop artist finally capable of conquering the global as well as home entertainment industry.

wuna feelam!

JPS Performing ”E dey”