April 1, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Urban culture: Hiphop-only cabaret set up

The rise and rise of hiphop in Cameroon is now visible through another prism. A cabaret has been created for artists of hiphop expression. Upcoming and established hiphop artists as well as mere lovers of the culture now have a place to meet in Yaounde and commune every Saturday. The cabaret is found at Montée Zoe near Acropole. 12 artists were  invited for the opening of the hiphop hub that took place on April 28,2012. Amongst these artists one could find Habib du Bled and Ivee. With this latest addition, the town of Yaoundé is only going to consolidate its unique  status as a cultural hotspot  with its string of  standup comedy,Bikutsi and now hiphop cabarets. The hiphop movement will only move from strength to strengths.