March 6, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Unveiling Afrik Unique Designs

Afrik Unique Designs is all about being sexy, sensational, classic and elegant. Nursed under the conception of  Buea based Njinju Emeanji Fogap, the clothing line is carved out to fit all body types and shapes  in such a way that it eventually suits every outting opportunities to meet all the different dimensions and class in life.

24 year old female graduate of the University of  Buea with a B.Sc in political sciences uses a blend of African and European fabrics upon much inspiration gained from the concept of  love, joy and happiness to groom colourful sexy, attractive and yet simple designs.                                                                                                                                                          Just from its appellation one can’t miss the chance of seeing how unique and outstanding these designs are and hope with such great taste in no other but the town of Buea where fashion prevails, afrik unique design will stand the trend?

We are Africans, we love Africa, so we dress African says the unique designer.

For more on afrik unique design visit them on facebook via: