January 29, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Tony Nobody- Love Peace Respect

Hey Nexdimerz, we announced the release of Tony Nobody‘s new album titled ”Love Peace Respect” some time last week . In this album , he features  a plethora of talented artists like X Maleya, Sidney, Bobby Shahman, Terry P, 20 Cent, Mervey, Supreme de la confrerie, Adah, Kristy JAMES and Mutzig star laureate, Zinnia.The album is a rich package you’ll not stop playing. He remade songs like ‘J’ai un probleme ‘ by Daouda, ‘Sodi’  by Ben Decca and ‘Barrer Coller by George Seba.

The ”Mboa” , Canal 2 presenter is currently promoting his album all over Cameroon and it might be interesting for you to grab a copy of the album by contacting his management : stesykam@yahoo.fr

Enjoy this teaser!

Please Baby[audio:http://nexdimempire.com/wp-content/uploads/02-Track-2.mp3]

J’ai un probleme [audio:http://nexdimempire.com/wp-content/uploads/04-Track-4.mp3]