March 3, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House


One of South West’s most prominent artists Tata Kingue,”King of Mt Cameroon’ has been in permanent disagreement with the organizers of the Buea Trade fair,Mosaique.The organizers declared on radio and other media publications that they have been unable to access the Folklore artist several times to perform infront of the Buea public.To them South based artists are so myopic and resist growth despite the money proposed to be paid to them.

According to Lacoste of Mosaique,Tata Kingue flagrantly denied the sum of 150,000 frs to perform on  Women’s day and since then he has been inaccessible.

Speaking to Nexdim yesterday,Tata Kinge bitterly declared that the music industry has been marred by the disrespect of some artists and violation of their rights;

”I have set my principles and i need to follow them diligently”.

He says he is very accessible but the problem lies on the fact that the  organizers do not want to comply with his terms and amount demanded.He quoted instances where artists like Lady Ponce have been paid huge sums of money to perform in Buea meanwhile the Buea based artists are treated with despise and played over receiving very meagre amounts.He made the point clear to NexDim that South West artists are not like a last resort but deserve equal treatment like any other artist.

”i am simply fighting against these ill treatment”.To him,the organizers are extorting huge amounts of money from the public but are unable to pay home-based artists what they deserve and this should stop.

Barack Obama by Tata Kingue