March 29, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Polemic: Lady Ponce won’t give ça aussi easily

La ponceuse” as she is fondly called is locked in a quarrel with the agency in charge of managing musicians’ copyright SOCAM. The feud started after the agency slammed the singer with an official warning  as well as a 1 million francs c.f.a fine for allegedly making disparaging comments against the agency during an interview. As a matter of  fact, the artists is quoted as having said SOCAM wasn’t treating artists any better than its predecessor C.M.C and that it wasn’t going to be recognised by international bodies in charge of managing artists’ copyright like SACEM. These alledged comments were viewed by SOCAM hierachy as a violation of section 53 of its statutes which prohibits its members from making declarations that might taint the agency’s reputation. This position is however challenged by Lady Ponce whose lawyer organised a press conference recently in Yaounde. During this meeting with pressmen, Barrister  Ndongo Christian Patrick said the sanction meted to his client was tainted with serious violations of Cameroonian law. The legal mind hinged his case on the section 54 of SOCAM statutes which says when a violation is committed the accused is summoned to defend his/herself. If  the time lapse expires, one of the sanctions can be meted but his client received both sanctions. Knowing the perennial nature of most legal disputes,we must say this could only be the first round of a long process. Goodluck to both parties et “que la vérité triomphe“. Lady Ponce won’t give a cool million “cadeau”.