February 17, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Polemic: Alexandre Song attacked in Yaounde?

a href=”http://nexdimempire.com/wp-content/uploads/alex_song_.jpg”>Rumour is rife in the capital city Yaounde that midfielder Alexandre Song was yesterday attacked in Yaounde. This piece of info has however been denied by State T.V. This denial comes after several media outlets in Yaounde had announced that the Arsenal man had been mobbed at Avenue Kennedy by unidentified persons. These persons according to some reports were unhappy with Song for his lacklustre performances with the Lions which contrasts with his superb displays for his English side. The player was apparently relieved of his wrist watch, some reports claim. While admitting that this story is unconfirmed and has been denied by State T.V, one can actually imagine such a situation  given the defeat the Lions suffered recently. Whether this story is true or not, we must condemn such acts while equally calling on our players to demonstrate a semblance of seriousness when they are defending our national colours.
