March 5, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House


DJ Bizu spins the turntables in one of the hottest bars in the metropolitan town of Kumba. Banga Skul Remix  situated in Buea Road-Kumba hosts over 1000 entertainment -lovers each day . DJ Bizu”s skill and umatchable energy to entertain sets him on a platform of fame and grandeur. Inspired by Buea-resident DJ Dirtsman , he shows no signs of slowing down his pace . NexDim caught up with him  in K-Town for an exclusive interview .


NEXDIM: Briefly introduce yourself.

I am called Teboh Remi Enoh a.k.a DJ Bizu . A Disc jockey and artiste . I hail from the North West Region of Cameroon. Born on the 5th of May 1989. 

NEXDIM: When did your DJ career begin?

I ventured into DJing in 2006 as a career. Back then in college, Cetic Muyuka , I used to do local school gigs and was fortunate to have an elder brother who had advanced knowledge in DJing. I developed much love when I moved to Douala . Immensely inspired by the DJ of Jetset Night Club”s entertainment charm , I started doing advanced research on the internet and gaining experience working with professional DJs. By the year 2009, I was already thrilling a throng of Night club-goers in Kumba. I worked at Olabi Maze for a year, Soba Park and am presently at the hottest bar in town called Banga Skul Remix.

NEXDIM: What is  your motivatng factor?

The fact that my peers and people who frequent the bar encourage me and appreciate what am doing, I get more motivated to do better.

NEXDIM: Who do you admire most in the Disc jockey industry? 

DJ Dirtsman , DJ Sony and DJ Pat kool.

NEXDIM: What are the difficulties you face when you are on the turntable?

DJ BIZU: I sometimes get a huge flow of music requests from people at the same time and you can”t satisfy every individual simultaneously . Some people develop grudge and hard feelings.

NEXDIM: Which is the highest consumed music, according to your opinion ?

DJ BIZU: I think Nigerian music is the highest consumed and requested music nowadays. People equally request Hip Hop and Coupe Decale.

NEXDIM: We have a cream of fine Cameroonian talents who do decent music . Is Cameroonian music welcomed by the public?

DJ BIZU: Yea. Cameroonian urban artists are gradually gaining credibility and fame. I have a playlist of Cameroonian products . I queue West Don, Big G, Frank Bebe,General Toxzik ,Steveslil and Jovi. People love it.

NEXDIM: Apart from Nigerian music, in the rest of Africa, what is highly requested ?

DJ BIZU: Fally Ipupa , Koffi Olomide , Petit Pays, DJ Arafat. 

NEXDIM: Any ambition of releasing a single or album and why ?

DJ BIZU:Yea. That”s my future project .P lanning on a Coupe Decale single , just hunting the right person to work with. Most DJs are equally musicians, I am following the path.

NEXDIM: What is “”Atalaku””?

DJ BIZU:“Atalaku” originates from Ivory Coast .It”s an intonation that appreciates someone”s expensive outfits, achievements in a bid to lure them to get money .

NEXDIM: Any other future project?

DJ BIZU: I dream to travel for more training in the field of DJing and possibly meet with David Guetta who is my idol.

NEXDIM: What”s your secret?

DJ BIZU: My secret is that I lesson to music everyday , visit the internet to discover the latest sofwares and hardwares and meet those who have been in the DJ field before me to learn more techniques.

NEXDIM: What”s your fave  genre of music?

DJ BIZU: Coupe Decale

NEXDIM: How do you cope with the fans especially female?

DJ BIZU: Like any other public figure, I receive love mails , calls and text mesages from girls all the time .The irony is that the girls you love don”t care about you nor reciprocate the love  coz they believe all dj’s are flirts.

NEXDIM: Do you have

a girl friend?


NEXDIM: What do you out of work?

DJ BIZU: Out of work, I listen to music.

NEXDIM: What”s your fave meal?

DJ BIZU: Ripe plantain , sauce and chicken

NEXDIM: What”s your advice to up and coming DJs?

DJ BIZU: They shouldn”t be a mad haste to succeed. It”s not a one-day thing, always listen to music, as different songs are released each day and softwares are upgraded. Strive for the best.